Damage: | 55 (+3/level) |
Attack Range: | 500 |
Movement Speed: | 335 |
Armor: | 18 (+3.5/level) |
Magic Resistance: | 30 (+0.5/level) |
Health Points: | 537 (+87/level) |
Mana Points: | 375 (+27.5/level) |
Attack Speed: | 0.625 (+1.5%/level) |
Counter Information
1/8While Malzahar's ultimate - Nether Grasp - is channeling, it can be interrupted. Try not to stand near low-health units affected by Malefic Visions to prevent it spreading to you. Try to avoid Malzahar's Call of the Void ability, which can often be dodged. Malzahar is great at clearing minion waves but has low mobility, often leaving him vulnerable to ganks. The effect from Malzahar's ultimate can be negated with debuff clearing items. Avoid standing in Malzahar's Null Zone where possible. Malzahar is usually weakest prior to level six. Try to shut him down in the early game. As Malzahar is dependent on AP, building magic resistance may prove effective.
Void Shift Video
×When he hasn't recently taken damage or been crowd controlled, Malzahar gains massive damage reduction and crowd control immunity, lingering for a short period after taking damage.
Call of the Void Video
×6s Cooldown80 Mana
Malzahar opens up two portals to the Void. After a short delay, they fire projectiles that deal Magic Damage and silence enemy champions.
Void Swarm Video
×8s Cooldown40/45/50/55/60 Mana
Malzahar summons Voidlings to attack nearby enemies.
Malefic Visions Video
×15/13/11/9/7s Cooldown60/70/80/90/100 Mana
Malzahar infects his target's mind with cruel visions of their demise, dealing damage over time. Using Malzahar's other spells on the target will refresh the visions.
If the target dies while afflicted by the visions, they pass on to a nearby enemy unit and Malzahar gains Mana. Malzahar's Voidlings are attracted to affected units.