
Buy For: 2200g (450g Base)Sell For: 1540g
Available on: Summoner's Rift, The Crystal Scar, Twisted Treeline, Howling Abyss

+250 Health
+25 Magic Resist
+50% Base Mana Regen
+20% Cooldown Reduction

UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font: Restores 2% of missing Mana every 5 seconds.
UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks mark champions with a string for 6 seconds. Moving further than 1000 range away from marked champions will break the string.
UNIQUE Active: Pull all champions Marked by Puppeteer within 1000 range towards you. Units move a maximum of 250 distance (45 second cooldown).

''Perhaps reading this wasn't your idea.''

Builds From: Chalice of Harmony Kindlegem
Popular With: Taric Karthus Bard Poppy Rammus Malzahar

ID: 3745
Monthly Popularity as Finishing Item: #259