
Damage: 58 (+3.2/level)
Attack Range: 125
Movement Speed: 340
Armor: 28 (+3.5/level)
Magic Resistance: 32 (+1.3/level)

#6151.8%Monthly PopularityMonthly Win Percentage
Health Points:       602 (+94/level)
Mana Points: 0
Attack Speed: 0.658 (+2.7%/level)
  1. P
  2. Q
  3. W
  4. E
  5. R

Counter Information

Voracity Video


Whenever an enemy champion dies that Katarina has damaged recently, her remaining ability cooldowns are dramatically reduced.

If Katarina picks up a Dagger, she uses it to slash through all nearby enemies, dealing magic damage.

Bouncing Blade Video

11/10/9/8/7s CooldownNo Cost

Katarina throws a Dagger at the target that then bounces to nearby enemies before ricocheting onto the ground.

Preparation Video

15/14/13/12/11s CooldownNo Cost

Katarina gains a burst of Move Speed, tossing a Dagger into the air directly above herself.

Shunpo Video

14/12.5/11/9.5/8s CooldownNo Cost

Katarina blinks to the target, striking it if its an enemy, or striking the nearest enemy otherwise.

Death Lotus Video

90/60/45s CooldownNo Cost

Katarina becomes a flurry of blades, dealing massive magic damage while she channels to the 3 nearest enemy champions.