Damage: | 58 (+3.2/level) |
Attack Range: | 125 |
Movement Speed: | 340 |
Armor: | 28 (+3.5/level) |
Magic Resistance: | 32 (+1.3/level) |
Health Points: | 602 (+94/level) |
Mana Points: | 0 |
Attack Speed: | 0.658 (+2.7%/level) |
Counter Information
1/6Try to avoid bunching up with other team members in order to reduce the impact of Katarina's ultimate. While Katarina's ultimate - Death Lotus - is channeling, it can be interrupted. Items that grant temporary invulnerability may provide an easy way to deal with Katarina's ultimate. Try to keep some range from other units in order to reduce the impact of Katarina's Bouncing Blades. Katarina is often more aggressive after casting Bouncing Blades in order to hit marked targets for bonus damage. As Katarina is dependent on AP, building magic resistance may prove effective.
Voracity Video
×Whenever an enemy champion dies that Katarina has damaged recently, her remaining ability cooldowns are dramatically reduced.
If Katarina picks up a Dagger, she uses it to slash through all nearby enemies, dealing magic damage.
Bouncing Blade Video
×11/10/9/8/7s CooldownNo Cost
Katarina throws a Dagger at the target that then bounces to nearby enemies before ricocheting onto the ground.
Preparation Video
×15/14/13/12/11s CooldownNo Cost
Katarina gains a burst of Move Speed, tossing a Dagger into the air directly above herself.